I'm not really a peasant, of course

‘To know fully one field or one land is a lifetime’s experience.’ Patrick Kavanagh

Having a big garden (and a small field), I have to do a certain amount of 'grounds-care'. 

As well as growing food for pleasure and everyday sustinence, I'm doing my best to manage our land for the benefit of wildlilfe. 

(A highlight? Barns Owls rearing three chicks in our solar shed in 2017)

Sometimes I feel a bit like a peasant. 

Of course, I am not. But it is fun sometimes to think 'What would a peasant do?'

This page will in future have some thoughts on that theme.

Meanwhile, here's my movie on making a willow hurdle.

There's an overlap with material on the 'Gardening' page, so if this page interests you, check out that one, too.

And I've made some movies on gardening theme, so see also the 'Movies' page.

My wife, Barbara, made a slide show of our garden in the Spring of 2020, during the coronavirus lockdown. 

You can view it here

Scenes from a not-really-peasant life